Do your emails look weird in Outlook? 🀯

I have a weird side hustle...

I make emails look perfect across all email clients β€” from Apple Mail to Gmail, and down the rabbit hole of Microsoft Outlook desktop clients.

Think of it as a trip down HTML memory lane. Even as we bid farewell to Internet Explorer (RIP), tables are alive and well in the email world.

If you're a global brand that values its image and believes flawless emails are non-negotiable, you should call me. Why? Because Outlook doesn't care about your fancy divs or modern HTML. It plays by its own outdated rules β€” and that's where I come in.

I specialize in crafting emails that, while not flawless in Outlook, at least won’t come across as mistakes. Outlook users may be a dwindling group, but their preferences shouldn't dictate how sleek our emails appear in more modern clients. For Outlook, we aim for the essentials: functionality and error-free presentation. I create HTML specifically tailored for Outlook's quirks, ensuring compatibility while allowing other email clients to gracefully bypass it. Think of it as a secret handshake for your email campaigns.

While most email clients have evolved, Outlook is still stuck in the past. But that's okay. I'm here to help.